Ruby Slipper Kennels
Male - Black Brindle
Female - Red Brindle
Female - Red Brindle
Male - Black Brindle
#3 Female - Red Brindle - 11 3/8 oz.
Male - Black Brindle - 1 lb. 3 3/4 oz.
Female - Red Brindle - 1 lb. 2 3/8 oz.
Male - Red Brindle
#1 Male- Red Brindle - 13 1/2 oz.
Female - Red Brindle - 1 lb. 10 oz.
Male - Black Brindle
Pictures below taken April 18, 2018
Male - Red Brindle - 1 lb. 13 3/4 oz.
Katniss and Tobias welcomed a litter of 3 puppies on March 30, 2018. She had 2 males, 1 female.
Puppy #1 is SOLD to Jasminn and family
Puppy #2 is SOLD to Karyn and family
Puppy #3 ia SOLD to Heather and family
Male - Red Brindle - 2 lb. 5 1/8 oz.
Male - Black Brindle - 2 lb. 4 3/4 oz.
Pictures below taken April 25, 2018
Male - Red Brindle
Male - Red Brindle
Male - Black Brindle - 1 lb. 12 5/8 oz.
Female - Red Brindle - 2 lb. 1 7/8 oz.
Pictures below taken April 11, 2018
Female - Red Brindle
The puppies have reached the uncooperative stage of picture taking. They no longer sit still, they find everything else to be distracted by and they enjoy marching to the beat of their own drum ignoring anything I do to get their attention for 5 seconds. I apologize the pictures aren't any better than they are, but I had some very mischievious subjects this week. I can assure you there were lots of tail wags, puppy kisses and chewing on fingers.
#2 Male - Black Brindle - 11 7/8 oz.
Pictures below taken May 10, 2018
Male - Red Brindle - 1 lb. 4 7/8 oz.
Pictures below taken May 02, 2018
Pictures below taken April 4, 2018
Pictures below taken May 16, 2018